A Conversational Journey through New Who – Season One Report Card

Follow the links for Tehani’s S1 Report Card and Tansy’s S1 Report Card


The Doctor: I really liked Eccleston’s Doctor, his manic energy was a lot of fun. But, there was also a real sense of a Doctor scarred by terrible events and almost exhibiting signs of PTSD – I can’t remember a Doctor being this vulnerable and enslaved by emotion, the closest comparison I can think of would be the Sixth Doctor. There were some aspects of his behaviour I struggled with and found “unDoctorish” (the idea of a Doctor taking someone back to a planet with the death penalty especially jarred, I don’t even think Australia should do that!) , but all in all I thought it was an excellent performance and a well written incarnation.

The Companions:
Rose Tyler: Was a much deeper character than I had expected, and was the prism through which we got to know the Doctor. Some very moving character development arcs through the season. Was far, far more than just a damsel in distress whose job was simply to be menaced and scream loudly.
Adam Mitchell: The most calculating companion since Turlough, and cut loose very quickly. Didn’t really get too much of a chance to get attached to him. There was potential for him to be another in the tradition of the “intelligent prodigy” companion, which would have added another dynamic.
Jack Harkness: Enjoyed him more as the season went on, was a great foil for the Doctor and provided more of challenge when it came to banter and competition than any of the younger companions. I can see why they gave him his own show, maybe the even the TARDIS wasn’t big enough for two personalities like Jack and the Doctor and there was a danger of the focus shifting too much.

Recurring Characters:
Jackie Tyler: Started out as a caricature, but really developed as we learnt more about her past and why she was the way she was, and became of aware of how much she loved Rose. More complex than I gave her credit for.
Mickey Smith: I enjoyed his appearances. His devotion to Rose was touching, and his bafflement with the chaos the Doctor brought into his life completely understandable.

What is your favourite episode of this season?
Father’s Day
Least favourite episode?
Anything with Slitheen!
Favourite guest performance?
Shaun Dingwall
Describe this season in one word!
Grade: Was a little variable in parts, when it was good it was superb, when it was bad it was..average. After such a long wait it didn’t disappoint and sets the scene for exciting times ahead. If the following seasons build on this foundation, I can’t wait! B


28 thoughts on “A Conversational Journey through New Who – Season One Report Card

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