Tag Archives: Pat Cadigan

Galactic Chat 63 – Pat Cadigan

In this latest episode of Galactic Chat, I get to talk to to the amazing Pat Cadigan. In a wide ranging interview, we cover everything from Heinlein to Cyberpunk, look at “fix up” novels, and find out how Pat is ‘punching cancer in the face’.

It’s a wonderful interview with one of the top writers in her field, and I hope you enjoy listening to Pat as much as I did.

In this weeks chat, our first for the year, David talks with Pat Cadigan about her early influences and her friendship with Heinlein.  There’s some brief talk about the honorable tradition of fix-up novels in Science Fiction and some discussion around the early formation of the Cyberpunk Genre.

Pat also talks openly about her response to cancer and gives us an update on how she is coping.

Finally there is some discussion about projects that have been launched in response to the Requires Hate situation to promote and support POC in the Science Fiction and Fantasy community.

Links referenced: A Report on Damage Done by One Individual Under Several Names

Interviewer: David McDonald
Guest: Pat Cadigan
Music & Intro: Tansy Rayner Roberts
Post-prod.: Sean Wright
Twitter: @galactichat
Email: galactichat at gmail dot com