I will give up procrastinating…tomorrow

Well, I submitted another story to anthology in the US last night. I am actually very happy with how the story ended up, but I think it may be too “Christian” for the publisher. Not that it is particularly overt, it was just a topic where I couldn’t avoid my own beliefs filtering through and it may not suit their needs. That’s fine, and I certainly wouldn’t hold it against them, plus I think the story is strong enough to submit somewhere else if required.

One thing I am not happy with, though, is how with both stories I have submitted them right on the deadline. I don’t know what it is, but I always leave things to the last minute. If I am preaching, I usually finish my sermon prep on the saturday night or during the day Sunday. It usually works out okay, perhaps the pressure inspires me, but it would certainly be less stress if I left myself some time in hand!

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