Status Update

Time for my “keep myself accountable” status update. I fell short of my word goal for the month, but I did do a lot of editing on some projects I have been working on, and managed to get a story in.

But it was still a very good month, with a some notable moments, including:

Currently I have five stories out in the wild, and have three deadlines rapidly looming. Busy times, in the best possible way!


2 thoughts on “Status Update

  1. Gwen Hernandez

    Nice job on the writing stats. I keep a calendar and tabulate it all at the end of the year for overall work, and by project, and then graph it. Plus hours too, since things like editing are less satisfying when tracked by words.

    Hopefully this comment will give you something to look at on your site visit stats charts. 😉

  2. David Post author

    Yeh, I am really not quite sure how best to track editing. “New words” is so much simpler!

    Thanks for popping by 🙂

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