One of the things occupying my time over the past few months was the very interesting experience of helping design and develop an iOS app for writers. For a long time now I have been trying to set myself monthly word targets and track my output, and after using an excel spreadsheet for a year I decided that an app would be much easier and far prettier!
Working with a colleague, we brainstormemd various ideas and after a long period of testing (and few snags) the result is now available to buy. You can visit the WordTyrant site here, and check it out. It’s perfect for NanoWriMo, and until Nov 2 it is only .99c!
It’s unlikely to make a great deal of money for us, but that’s not the point. I think this a great resource for writers and I hope that it helps people get more writing done.
Oh…and a great review can be found here!
Cool stuff. If I had an apple device i’d give it a go
Thanks 🙂 unfortunately we weren’t familiar enough with android or the like to be able to do other versions…maybe in the future!
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