I love the idea of the “John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer” for two reasons. One, because I am sure it is of great encouragement to the nominees, but also because it give you a an idea of writers to watch out for when looking for something new to read. For those of you unaware of the award, this is from Wikipedia:
The John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer is an award given annually to the best new writer whose first professional work of science fiction or fantasy was published within the two previous calendar years.[1] The prize is named in honor of science fiction editor and writer John W. Campbell, whose science fiction writing and role as editor of Analog Science Fiction and Fact made him one of the most influential editors in the early history of science fiction.[2] The award is sponsored by Dell Magazines, which publishes Analog.[1] The nomination and selection process is administered by the World Science Fiction Society (WSFS) represented by the current Worldcon committee, and the award is presented at the Hugo Award ceremony at the Worldcon, although it is not itself a Hugo Award.[3]
Of course, sometimes it is hard to keep up with what’s happening in the spec fic world. That’s why it is great that Rampant Loon Press have put together an anthology of stories by eligible authors so you can get an idea of who you might want to nominate. And, even better, it is FREE here!
There are a number of Aussies who are eligible for the world, and two are featured in the anthology – Thoraiya Dyer and Nick Tchan. I also have a feeling that Jo Anderton and Patty Jansen are eligible, as well! It would be wonderful to see an Aussie walk away with this, we have so many deserving writers.
Thanks to Alex Kane for the heads up about this – and he is also eligible and would be a very deserving nominee.
Have I missed any Aussies? Feel free to make suggestions in the comments.
A good selection of writers, don’t know if I have read anything by Nick though?
There is a story by him in the collection – and it is a ripper!
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