Obligatory New Year’s Post

One moment you are making lists of all the things that you want to achieve by the end of the year, and the next thing you know you are dissecting the Hobbit and setting off party poppers to welcome the New Year.

Looking back over 2013 it was a pretty good year, but I have to admit I didn’t achieve all the things I had hoped. Of course, that just gives me some more goals for this year!

Some of the highlights:

Some of the disappointments:

  • Still haven’t cracked that pro sale
  • Not catching up with New Who in time for the 50th anniversary special
  • Not submitting to all the markets I had planned to through procrastination

So, what does 2014 hold, other than plugging away with the short fiction?

  • Another tie -in anthology which I can’t announce yet
  • AΒ  sci fi novel which already has a few nibbles of interest
  • Revising my completed first draft of another novel (fantasy) with a view towards shopping it around
  • A YA novel in collobaration with a US author
  • Another conversational review series
  • Loncon and hopefully another con in the States!

I’ve come to realisation that the only thing holding me back is me, and that I need to develop a better work ethic and stop procrastinating. While I am setting myself some high expectations, there is no reason why 2014 can’t be an even better year than 2013.

Thanks to everyone who has supported me over the last 12 months and I look forward to celebrating all your successes over the next year. May 2014 be a wonderful year for you all! πŸ™‚

The Trophy

The Trophy

5 thoughts on “Obligatory New Year’s Post

  1. Holly

    Congratulations on such a successful 2013, David! If not catching up on New Who makes it into your top 3 disappointments, I think you are doing pretty well!

    And your anticipated 2014 sounds amazing. Good luck! You’re a star.

  2. David Post author

    Right back at you – you’re awesome πŸ™‚

    Thanks for your support last year, it was greatly appreciated. I hope 2014 is a stellar year for you πŸ™‚

  3. David Post author

    Thanks, Sean – I’ve really appreciated your support throughout the year πŸ™‚ Good luck with your writing!

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