Tag Archives: Cabinet of Oddities

More Cabinet of Oddities News

Back in 2015, I was lucky enough to be part of an amazing collaborative event put together by the talented Dr. Laura E. Goodin. The Cabinet of Oddities, a show piece of original compositions for flute inspired by short stories from a group of Australian Spec Fic writers, was first performed at Conflux X. Since then, it has also appeared at the Melbourne Fringe Festival.

My story, Guardians of Her Galaxy, was used as the inspiration for a composition by Gary Butler, and performed by flautist Angus McPherson. I can’t express how honoured I was to have played even a small part in the result.

So, I was thrilled to hear that Gary has recently become part of the Melbourne Composers League. You can find out more about his many achievements here. You’ll also find a number of videos of his work, including a performance of Guardians of Her Galaxy.

The Cabinet of Oddities is coming!

One of my oldest friends in the spec fic community is the incredibly talented Laura Goodin. Laura has a unique gift when it comes to facilitating collaborations and creating mixed media projects, like the radio play we performed at Conflux.

A few months ago, Laura approached me and asked if I was interested in contributing a story to a new project of hers. She asked for a short piece, and told me that she would then assign a composer to set it to music. I thought this was a fascinating concept and I really can’t wait to hear what sort of musical piece my story might inspire.

More details will be announced soon, but Laura has posted an announcement about it, and I am sharing it here. This is the sort of artistic collaboration that excites me, and I am looking forward to seeing the end result!Cabinet of Oddities