Wow – another year is just about to say good bye! Where has it gone? It has been an action packed year for me, so maybe that’s why it seems to have flown past. It’s been pretty successful year, too, with lots of highlights, but before I get into that, let’s look at my goals from 2014 and get the unachieved goals out of the way! Then I can move on to the good stuff…
The big goals for 2015:
- Get that elusive pro sale!
- Finish the YA novel and get it off for submission.
- Catch up with Doctor Who.
- Get my solo novel done.
- Start another conversational review series about a series of books that are very dear to my heart
- Try and get involved in some sort of news/discussion podcast
Let’s see:
- Nope. I came close with one sale at 5c a word, and an anthology that would have given me a pro sale being put on hold.
- Nope, but as you will read in the achievements section I made some good progress with this one
- Nope. Don’t even want to talk about that!
- Nope, but again feel happy with what I did achieve in that area.
- Started a conversational review series, but not that one!
- Nope, but have found the idea and other person, so that’s a start
So, as you can see, I didn’t do so well with the goals. But, now that the self flagellation is out of the way, here’s what I did achieve in 2015!
Considering I only had one short story published in 2014, 2015 was a pretty good year on the writing front. I’ve given a comprehensive breakdown on my writing statistics here for those of you who love graphs and stuff, but the upshot was that I had:
- Five short stories published
- Managed to crack couer de lion, a market I have coveted for years
- Sharing a ToC with David Morrell AND Margaret Atwood AND Chelsea Quinn Yarbro AND Tanith Lee (in what was sadly her last appearance) – all in the same amazing book!
- A reprint
- A story turned into a podcast at the most excellent StarShipSofa
While I didn’t meet my goal of having my own original solo novel published, the big news was that my first novel length work came out.
This has led to more tie-in work, and I am looking forward to being able to announce what I think will be my biggest news yet.
While the Secret Young Adult book isn’t finished yet, we made real progress, with the first ten chapters refined to the point we were happy to send them off to test readers. I got the first feedback email today and it is look good!
2016 is already shaping up to be an even bigger year, so stay tuned for more news as it comes.
2015 was a bit of a jetsetting year for me. I was lucky enough to get visit New Zealand for their Natcon, and discovered that NZ fandom is incredibly welcoming and friendly. I also met some wonderful authors, and made some new friends.
I had a great time at my home con of Continuum, getting to be on some great panels and generally just having fun.
I managed to make it back to the US this year for an incredible 4 week trip that took me from LA to New York, and plenty of places in between. While over there I went to Sasquan, the Worldcon in Spokane, Washington. As well as hanging out with the Brotherhood Without Banners, the greatest fan group in the Universe, I had the honour of accepting a Hugo for Galactic Suburbia. The Hugo Awards night will be indelibly etched in my memory, it was a truly wonderful night that was capped off with the Hugo Loser Party to end all parties!
And, last but not least, I went up to Canberra for Conflux, and as usual had a great time. There were many highlights, like a Paying for Our Passion panel, and experiencing the Cabinet of Oddities performance, where I had the privilege of hearing one of my stories set to music composed especially for it and played on flute.
So, not a bad year for conventions!
I was lucky enough to be nominated for a couple of Ditmars this year, including another Atheling nod. I was a little sad that the Snapshot didn’t win, but given the quality of the category it was in I am not complaining–any of the winners would have been deserving!
While we didn’t finish the New Who stuff, we did get some reviews done, and I also started a new series of reviews with Tehani as we Squeed Over Supergirl!
By far the most successful series on my blog was Paying for Our Passion, and again I must thank all the writers and editors who were willing to make themselves so vulnerable with some excellent posts on the sacrifices we make to pursue or passions.
Galactic Chat had a quiet end to the year, but I did get the chance to interview some amazing people. If you haven’t already, you should check out the podcast. I also had my first ever podcast interview when I appeared on it myself.
So, looking back, it was a pretty good year! Despite my abject failure to meet last year’s, I am going to set some goals for 2016:
- FINALLY catch up on Doctor Who
- start the new podcast I have planned
- get the full version of the YA book out to test readers, if not an agent
- make that elusive pro sale
And that will do for now. 🙂
Thank you to everyone who has read this blog over the course of the year, and to those who have supported and encouraged me in so many ways. I couldn’t have achieved any of the things I have listed without you. Wishing you all a Happy New Year, and hoping that 2016 is your best yet!