Tag Archives: Craftonomicon

Chronos Awards – Nominations Open

I don’t know about you, but I am really looking forward to this year’s Natcon, Craftonomicon! Last year’s Continuum was simply amazing, and from everything I have heard and seen so far, this one will be even better.

As part of the lead up to the con, nominations for the Chronos Awards are now open. From John Samuel’s blog:

We are now halfway through the nominations period for the Chronos Awards. Nominations close on 18 March 2012.
Please remember that to make the ballot works require 4 nominations in the professional categories, and 2 nominations in the other categories.  Please refer to the Chronos Award rules for more information.
At present a relatively small number of works have passed these thresholds, and most categories do not have more than one eligible work.

You can find a comprehensive list of eligible works here, and I would encourage those of you eligible to nominate to take some time to read through the list and nominate those you find deserving.

I do have some short stories eligible (see below), however there are lots of other wonderful pieces there. The important thing is that you nominate the works that spoke to you, and give their creators the recognition they deserve.

Short Stories

“Catspaw” by David McDonald in Tales of the Shadowmen Vol 8: Agents Provocateurs (Black Coat Press).

“Just Like Cuckoo” by Brendan Duffy and David McDonald in The ePocalypse: emails at the end, edited by Jessy Marie Roberts (Pill Hill Press).

“Venus Transiens” by David McDonald in Horror, Humor and Heroes 3 – New Faces of Science Fiction, edited by Jim Bernheimer (EJB Networking).