Tag Archives: Cult Britannia

‘A cup o’ tea and a slice of cake!’

I am a big fan of the Kasterborous Doctor Who site, it’s my first stop for news on our favourite Time Lord. I was excited to see that Christian had launched a sister site, Cult Britannia, that caters to many of the other British TV shows that shaped my childhood and still hold a special place in my heart.

One of those shows was Worzel Gummidge, and you can read all about Jon Pertwee’s other role in my article here. Enjoy! 🙂

There is an air of childlike simplicity to most of the scarecrows, and in none is this more apparent than Worzel and Aunt Sally. But, it is not simply the sweet innocence that some people think is all there is to children, there is a degree of petulance and desire to have their own way. Worzel will quite often throw a tantrum or sulk when thwarted, behaviour that will be familiar to anyone who has to deal with toddlers. Despite this, there is no real malice to Worzel and it is hard not to feel sorry for him as he tries to make sense of concepts like mathematics or fashion. Aunt Sally, however, is actually quite a terrible person, shallow and vain and incredibly greedy. She is obsessed with class, decrying those around her as common while behaving in the most uncouth manner imaginable. She is constantly using Worzel’s devotion to her to manipulate him, but every so often we will see that he does actually matter to her, just often enough to make us have hope for them both.
