Continuum 7 – My Con…wait for it…”con”tinues

Yes, terrible joke, but I am suffering from sleep deprivation. Yesterday was a lot of fun, I managed to get to some panels and FINALLY a masquerade.

First up I went to:

How to Sex Your Vampire

Are female vampires inevitably more monstrous than their male counterparts? Do male vampires represent anxieties about homosexuality? Come and explore how ideologies of gender and sexuality have shaped the depiction of Western literature’s most popular fantasy monster.

Jason Nahrung, Narrelle Harris, Peter Marz

I went more because I knew one of the panellists than from any real interest in the subject, but it turned into a very wide ranging discussion and it was definitely worthwhile.

I was very keen to catch the next one:

Fantasy Wildlife – Beyond the Basics Workshop

What do you use – or create – when you’re sick of dragons and unicorns? An audience participation workshop hosted by our esteemed Guests of Honour.

Dave Freer, Catherynne M. Valente

It wasn’t quite what I expected, but it was fascinating to see the different approaches between the two writers, with David Freer preferring a “rational” approach to fantastic creatures (How could a winged horse fly and still obey the laws of aerodynamics?) while Cat seemed more happy to not have to explain everything.

In some ways it was a sci fi vs fantasy approach, but the consensus seemed to be that whichever approach you picked didn’t matter so much, just that you be consistent and above all do it well.

After that, I had made the mistake of offering whatever assistance was required by the organisers, so I spent the dinner break helping set up for the “Maskobalo”. The guy who did the design had done an amazing job, there was a TARDIS, the DJ console was a TARDIS console, there was a wardrobe filled with coats leading to a lamppost and a Mad Hatter’s tea party. All I did was the heavy lifting at his beck and call.

The ball was fun, but I don’t dance so it wasn’t really my scene. I did get literally dragged onto the dance floor by one young lady, and forced to dance for a little bit…the first time in years. Was terrifying.

When that was over, the London Worldcon bid invited everyone to their room for drinks, but after a few noise warnings from the hotel most of us headed to the bar. I had the unique experience of having my biceps squeezed (and told I was as hot as China Meiville, whatever that means haha) and a drink spilt on me by an Aurealis winner, and a fascinating disucssion about philosophy (Kant in particular) with a Canberrite.

It was rather late (or should I say early) when I got home, so Is truggled to be back in time for my morning panel. It ended up going rather well, Steve Cameron did a great job of organising it (even had a powerpoint presentation) and Bruce Gillespie knows his stuff. It turns out Steve and I know a lot of people in common so we had a good chat.

After an excellent lunch with the SuperNOVA crew, I went to:

Money, Money, Money

Is it possible to make a living out of writing?

Is it always about the money? Is there a balance between money and creativity?

Jack Dann, Narrelle Harris, George Ivanoff, Meg Mundell, Steve Rossiter

I am certainly  not writing to make money (haha), but I wanted to attend at least one panel with Jack Dann. I am glad I went, it was informative, entertaining and I walked a way with a heap of knowledge that is actually relevant to what I am wanting to do.

So, now I am going to chill for a while, and mingle and drink coffee!

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